Ever wondered what your car says about you? In Ireland, where the craic is mighty and the stereotypes are even mightier, your choice of wheels might reveal more than you think. Here’s a humorous look at what driving certain popular car brands in Ireland really says about you.
Audi: The Chancers’ Choice
If you’re cruising around in an Audi, congratulations! You’ve successfully navigated your way from the wrong side of the tracks into a cushy job. However, this meteoric rise has come at a cost: your ability to drive properly. Indicators? Never heard of them. An Audi driver is easily spotted by their aggressive overtakes, sudden lane changes, and a general disdain for road etiquette. But hey, at least you look good doing it.

Volvo: The Bore’s Mobile
Driving a Volvo? You must be a public servant with an aversion to excitement. Your life is as predictable as the Volvo’s safety rating. Known for being boring and unimaginative, Volvo drivers require at least five pints of Guinness before they can crack a smile or tell a joke. Practical and reliable, just like your car, you’re the person everyone relies on – but only for dull conversations about pension plans.
Volkswagen: The Deal Hunter’s Dream
Volkswagen drivers are the ultimate bargain hunters. If there’s a discount to be found, you’ve already spotted it. You’ve got the keen eye of a hawk and the negotiation skills of a seasoned car dealer. But be warned, your frugal nature has earned you a reputation as the most likely person at a party to either sell class A drugs or share some “great investment tips.” You’ve mastered the art of getting more for less, both in life and in the car market.
BMW: The Trendy Yet Tragic
Ah, the BMW driver. Once the epitome of cool, now desperately clinging to their youth. Obsessed with the latest trends, you’re often seen at nightclubs that were trendy five years ago. Despite your best efforts, your choice of a mid-range BMW delivers an underwhelming driving experience. But that doesn’t stop you from pretending you’re still in your 20s, hitting the town and reminiscing about the good old days when you were the life of the party.
Land Rover / Range Rover – The Older Perverts Choice.
You’re either already regularly ‘dogging’ or are finding yourself thinking about driving to Donabate, more and more often.

The Used Car Conundrum
For those who drive used cars, you’re a bit of a wildcard. You appreciate a good deal, but you’re also pragmatic. Your car might be older, but it’s got character – much like yourself. Whether it’s an old Audi or a vintage Volvo, your used car tells a story. It shows you’re savvy, resourceful, and not afraid to embrace a bit of history. Plus, you’ve probably avoided the pitfalls of financing a new car, leaving more money for, well, pints of Guinness.

Final Words
In the end, what your car says about you is just a bit of fun. Whether you’re an Audi chancer, a Volvo bore, a Volkswagen deal hunter, or a BMW has-been, the important thing is that you enjoy the ride. So, keep driving, keep laughing, and remember – in Ireland, it’s not about where you’re going, but how much craic you have getting there.